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Hugo Hoeschl

President / Phd Hugo Hoeschl

Hugo Cesar Hoeschl completed his doctorate in Production Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in 2001 and a post doctorate in Electronic Government at the institution in 2003. He was the National Treasury Attorney, Accredited Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catherine . He has published 19 articles in specialized periodicals in countries such as the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Slovenia, the United States and Mexico and 136 works in the annals of events in countries such as Argentina, Spain, Chile, Scotland, France, Portugal, United States, Czech Republic , India, England, Germany, China, Greece, Italy, Norway and Poland. It has 23 book chapters and 7 published books. It has 30 software and 6 processes or techniques. He participated in 57 scientific events, the vast majority held outside Brazil. Directed 21 master's theses in the areas of Production Engineering, Law and Information Science and 2 doctoral theses. Received 23 awards and / or titles. Participated in 8 research projects. He works in the area of ​​Law, with an emphasis on Electronic Government. In his professional activities, he interacted with 85 collaborators in co-authorship of scientific papers.


Raul Canal

Education Bachelor – Law School, Uniceub – 1986 Specialization – Medical Law, Universidade de Coimbra Specialization – Medical Law, Universidade Corporativa ANADEM

Experience First Leiutenant (retired) – Brazilian Army Member, Brasília Academy of Letters – holder of the Chair III, sponsored by Ruy Barbosa. Member, Federal District Freemasonary's Academy of Letters – holder of the Chair XVIII, sponsored by Floriano Peixoto. Member, International Freemasonary's Lisbon Academy of Letters – holder of the Chair IX, sponsored by Floriano Peixoto. Member, National Association of Writers. Member, World Association of Medical Law. Member, Latinamerican Academy of Human Sciences (ALACH) – holder of the Chair I, sponsored by João Guilherme de Araújo Jorge. President, Brazilian Medical Law and Bioethics Society (ANADEM). President, Brazilian Sector – Associación Latinoamericana de Derecho Médico – ASOLADEME. President, ALACH International Academic Supreme Council. Author, "Pontos de Interrogação"; "Para Conversar com o Travesseiro"; "O Exercício da Medicina e suas Implicações Legais"; "Direito Médico"; "Inês é Morta"; "Erro Médico"; "O Pensamento Jurisprudencial Brasileiro Sobre Erro Médico No Terceiro Milênio"; "Código de Ética Médica Comentado"


Marcelo Buz

Secretary / Marcelo Buz


With experience both in public and private sector. Entrepreneur, was city council and also President of the National Institute of Information Technology, from the Brazilian Presidency.
Education    MBA Business Technology, Artificial Inteligence, Data Science, Big Data, PUC-RS – 2021
   MBA Software Engineering, Metropolitana - 2021
   MBA International Executive, UFRGS - 2007
   Masters Degree in High Defense Studies, War Superior School – 2020
   Masters Degree in Algorithms and Data Structure - 2022
   Business Administration emphasis in Marketing, ESPM - 2005
   Accounting Sciences, Unieuro - Studying 4º half
   Legal Sciences, Unisinos - 4º half stoped
   Extension Courses at McGill Montreal, HEC Paris and EADA Barcelona
   Cybersecurity Fundamentals: A Practical Approach, Carlos III de Madri University, 2020

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